Thursday, February 18, 2010

Budget? What's That?

We are a vegan family of 3 living primarily on one income in a city that loves to spend and spend big. And I must admit that as frugal as I would like to think I am, I am right there with the rest of them spending when I should know better. So, it is time to be accountable. And so here I am, turning a new leaf. I aim to pay off my debts, save money, lower my grocery bill, and still love life. And here's how I'm doing it:

1. Paying off debt. I'm coming clean here. I owe roughly $3,400 on my credit card, $8,000 on my car, $10,000 on my student loan, and $93,000 on my mortgage. I have begun working Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover and having built my Baby Emergency Fund ($1,000), I'm moving on to paying down debt. Now, Dave Ramsey's book does have a religious slant to it, and personally I'm atheist, but I don't let his expression of faith bother me. And I suggest that others don't either. He has a straight-shooter approach to budgeting, debt-reduction, and saving that is sorely needed in our country.

2. Saving money. I mean this in both reducing how much money is going out as well as in putting our money in savings accounts. I aim to live frugally. And I aim to make my family secure with a safety net.

3. Reducing my grocery bill. Being vegan does not need to be expensive. In fact, it is often much cheaper than a vegetarian or omnivorous diet. And it is healthy to boot! I aim to cut out the processed foods and get back to making things from scratch. I aim to buy more in bulk. And I aim to maintain our ability to buy organic whenever possible.

4. Loving life. SO very important. Enjoying life does not have to mean spending money. I aim to find fun things to do with little to no cost. And I aim to spend more time just enjoying being with my family.

So, let's begin! I hope to keep myself accountable and I hope to help you get to a spot financially that you are comfortable with. Enjoy the ride!